What Is Address Book Tracker?

Do you know who your children are talking to or texting? Who is in your spouse's contact book, or do they want to hide something from you by renaming suspicious phone numbers in their address book? No worries. Mobile Tracker Free will reveal this information for you.

Once you have downloaded the Mobile Tracker Free app onto your target phone, you will have immediate access to all the target user's contacts, including their name, number, and date of addition. Furthermore, you will be notified when a new contact is saved to the target's address book, so no important data is missed.

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Benefits of Address Book Tracker

Mobile Tracker Free can provide helpful information in several scenarios. Here is what you can do when using our address book tracker:

  • If you want to know who your children's new friends are, our address book tracker will help. You will receive a notification every time a new contact is added to the phone and saved.
  • Analyze who your spouse or partner talks to on the phone, particularly if they are flippant or cagey about giving you a name. The address book tracker will provide all names and numbers saved on your target device.
  • Check whether the contact's name against the mobile phone tracker's call log matches the contact's name provided by your spouse/child/partner/friend.

The address book tracker will help you create a bigger picture of your target mobile user's social and working life, including the people with whom they share it. When using this tool, you will be able to access the following information on your target smartphone:

  • View all contacts listed: The Mobile Tracker Free app will list all of the target device's contacts on the online dashboard in your personal account.
  • See names and numbers: The address book tracker will provide everyone's names and numbers on the target user's contact list.
  • Get notification of a new contact: You will receive notification of a new contact, including their name, number, and the date it was added. With Mobile Tracker Free, you can also monitor the newly added contacts in the usual way, recording the frequency of each call/message along with date and time stamps.

How Does Address Book Tracker Work?

The address book tracker is one of the many great features of the Mobile Tracker Free app. It allows you to discover and monitor everything you want to know about your target phone's callers, telephone numbers, newly added numbers, renamed and deleted numbers, etc.

To get the best out of the address book tracker feature, follow these steps:

  • 1. Create your free account at Mobile Tracker Free. To do so, use your valid email address or sign in using your Google account.
  • 2. Install the Mobile Tracker Free onto the target device.
  • 3. Once downloaded and set up, take your device and access your user dashboard.
  • 4. Navigate to Address Book.
  • 5. Here, you will see all the target device's contacts.

The address book tracker has an easy-to-navigate UI, providing all the information you want to know about the people your target person has in their address book.


Our address book tracking application is compatible with Android devices running version 5.1 and newer. Older cell phone versions and iOS-operated devices are incompatible with Mobile Tracker Free.

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Address Book FAQ

What do you mean by address book tracking?

Address book tracking involves listing all the numbers in a target device's contact list and their names to create a comprehensive list of everyone stored in the target mobile phone's address book. It includes tracking and notifying a user via the dashboard when a new number has been added, remanded, or deleted in their address book.

Can I find out who my children are talking to?

Install Mobile Tracker Free on your children's devices and access your remote online dashboard. You will have access to a list of all your children's contacts on your dashboard, including name, mobile number, frequency of calls and contact, date and time stamped last calls, etc. This list provides an invaluable record of everyone your children know and speak to daily.

How to access my child's contact list on Android?

To access your child's contact list on an Android phone, you should first check whether their Android cell phone is compatible without an address book tracker. If it is, the next step will be to install and set up the app on the target Android phone or tablet. Once done, log in to your online dashboard and navigate to the Address Book section. All contacts on your kid's phone will be listed by name, number, and date/time stamp.

Can I see my husband's mobile address book without him knowing?

Our app has a stealth mode that allows users to get all the information from the target device without its owner knowing about it. There will be no app icon on the home screen or in the file holder, making the app undetectable. However, we recommend you ask for permission before installing the app. It will enable you to track activities without raising ethical concerns.

Can you recover deleted contacts with Mobile Tracker Free?

Yes, for sure. With an address book tracker from Mobile Tracker Free, you can view the target cell phone's existing contacts and access those that the person deleted. This feature ensures that you never miss out on any important contact information.

Is it possible to import contacts from another device remotely?

Yes, you can. When the tool is installed on the target cell phone, you no longer need physical access to it - you will be able to address their contacts any time you want via remote monitoring. Moreover, you will see the names and cell phone numbers along with each state. So, if it is a newly added person you don't know and your kid or spouse does not tell you about them, you are able to save the phone number for further investigation. Additionally, if the contact is renamed later, you will be notified.